Regular Activities
Home groups
We have fellowship groups meeting in the evening. All our groups study the bible and enable us to get to know a small group of people in more depth so we can support, pray and encourage each other in our faith. Home groups are an excellent way of asking questions and thinking through God's message to us in the Bible in a friendly and supportive environment.
Coffee and Chat
Catching up with old friends and making new ones over a cup of tea or coffee is what "Coffee and Chat" is all about! This group is run by volunteers and runs each week on Monday and Thursdays from 10 til 11.30am in Square Corner Cafe. Everyone is welcome!
Flower Arranging
We have a committed group of flower arrangers that make our church look wonderful throughout the year. If you would like to know more, or get involved, please get in touch - we welcome complete beginners and the more experienced!
Contact Mary Tebbey 840882
We believe that prayer is central to our faith, and seek to develop our prayer ministry throughout the life of the Church. We have regualr prayer groups during the week: Mondays 12-1pm Prayer for Ukraine, Thursdays 9-9.30am Prayer for Families and Schools
St Mary’s is proud to have a fine peal of 8 bells made at the famous Taylor foundry in Loughborough with a tenor weighing 21cwt (1,100kg). The Tower is attached to the North East Branch of the Guild of Devonshire Ringers. The happy band of ringers meet to practice on Thursdays 7.30 – 9pm and have been known to retire for refreshment afterwards at the local Ostler Inn. We aim to ring on all Sunday mornings except the fifth Sunday at 10.30am, for weddings when bells are requested and to celebrate significant national and local events. New ringers are always welcome, whether beginners or experts and we actively train and develop ringers using a structured programme developed by the Association of Ringing Teachers. Our ringers are drawn from a wide range of ages and backgrounds and while there is no requirement to be a churchgoer to learn to ring, members of the team are expected to be respectful of their surroundings and to participate in ringing for service when they are able to.
Visiting ringers are welcome at St Mary's; please John Martin our Tower Captain via email: to enquire about availability. Two peal attempts are permitted each year.
Church bell ringing is a sociable team activity with many appealing aspects including the possibility of exploring areas of church and Cathedral buildings rarely seen by other visitors as well as physical and mentally stimulating activities. You can find out more and register your interest in learning to ring here.