Our Team
Baptisms (Christening)
If you would like to enquire about a baptism or thanksgiving for a child please contact our Rachel Tucker davidrachel.tucker@gmail.com
If you would like to enquire about a wedding service, renewal of vows or a blessing of a marriage please contact Sarah Leyman
If you would like to enquire about a funeral, memorial service or interring some ashes in the churchyard please contact Rachel Tucker davidrachel.tucker@gmail.com
Services or General enquiries
Please contact our churchwardens for information about church services or any other enquiries
Revd Ben Maynard
Rector of the Culm Valley Mission Community
M: 07777 177112
Day off: normally Thursday
Richard Rutty
Churchwarden & Organist
Alison Milne
Churchwarden & Safeguarding Officer
Claire Nichols
REACH lead worker
Claire works with churches and schools across the Mission Community helping build community and offering creative opportunity for people to experience the love of God and explore or deepen their faith.
Find out more by clicking here.
She is often found sewing, knitting, baking or reading and is always happy to chat over a cup of tea!
Contact Claire Nichols 07419740742
Rachel Tucker
Spotlight Editor
Rachel faithfully compiles Spotlight the parish magazine every month, the church is committed to growing community and this magazine seeks to assist in this by celebrating and communicating the work of various local business people, voluntary organisations and statutory organisations seeking to serve people in the parish. Rachel has a team of people working with her to distribute this magazine.