About Us
People have been worshiping at St Mary’s church since saxon times and we continue to meet together to explore our journey of faith and discover what it means to follow Jesus in the 21st Century.
We offer a range of services and opportunities to explore the Christian faith using the rich resources from the Anglican tradition.
We are committed to working as a team to encourage the skills and gifts of every member of the church to be used to growing God’s Kingdom in the world. We seek to work in partnership with other churches in our village and Mission Community and believe that by working together God will be able to grow his kingdom more effectively in our lives and communities.Please contact one our our Team if you would like to find out more, or just come along to one of our services .
St Mary's is part of the Culm Valley Mission Community, which is itself part of the Tiverton and Cullompton Deanery - all the Church of England parishes in our local area.